Andrey Anufriev

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My history of communication with skis began back in 2006, when I first learned what new school is, and that you can do a variety of tricks on these skis, like on a snowboard. I got CDs with the first ski movies in my life (War, wski106), and after that I knew for sure that I had to do everything possible to start riding twin tips.

Working part-time during the summer holidays, I was able to save up for my first set, and in the 07-08 season I was already spending all my free time on skis. Over time, I got sponsors, I began to perform at various events, star in the largest domestic ski films, produce ski videos on my own, and my whole life revolved around the word “ski”.


Over the years, I have learned to look at skating much more broadly and enjoy any of its manifestations. Over time, I have formed stable ideas about all the parameters of the skis that I want to ride. TWOOWT helped bring these ideals to life in my pro ski model, the DYED STICKS! These are the skis that help me realize my plans, they are ready for any skier’s fantasy flight.

mediawith Andrey Anufriev

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